Spider-Woman #30Issue(s): Spider-Woman #30 Review/plot: Right now he's helping the Fly, who is losing his powers. Malus thinks a blood transfusion from another super-person will do the trick, and Spider-Woman is one of the few in Los Angeles. Spider-Woman's partner Scotty McDowell was poisoned by the Enforcer (who, it turns out, also happens to be one of Malus' clients), so Malus tells the Fly to kidnap McDowell and use him as a lure for Spider-Woman. But Spider-Woman happens to be at the hospital when he arrives. She drives him away with a venom blast. And in the rematch, she kicks his butt pretty good. Malus himself offers to help Scotty McDowell in return for consideration in sentencing. We'll see the results of that in the next arc. Using the Fly as a bad guy against either Spider-Man or -Woman doesn't make a lot of sense considering that spiders eat flies. Malus begins to question the name at one point but the Fly threatens him. It's a valid concern, though. (And Malus' complete lack of safeguards when working with these unstable super-villains will bite him in the ass sooner rather than later, too.) Also in this issue, Spider-Woman helps clear her name from when she was forced to break the law by the Enforcer and Rupert Dockery. Her method for doing so is a little dubious; she dresses up as the Enforcer and pretty much beats a confession out of him, right in front of the police captain. In an acknowledgment that her methods aren't exactly legal, the police don't actually arrest Dockery but they kick him out of town. He'll be moving to New York and into the Spider-Man books. In Spider-Man, he'll be a pretty dead on version of Rupert Murdock, but here he's a bit of a doofus. The following monologue is entirely presented in thought bubbles, so we know it's not "ironic" or anything: Oh, how I love to get dressed up in my tuxedo! It makes me look so dashing, so brilliant, so utterly debonair... He sounds like he's not all there, mentally. The writing on the book continues to be simple and stiff. Letter writers deride it as "kiddie-oriented". Leialoha's art is always nice, though. Quality Rating: C- Chronological Placement Considerations: Rupert Dockery transfers over to Amazing Spider-Man #208 after this issue. References:
Crossover: N/A Continuity Insert? N My Reprint: N/A Inbound References (3): showCharacters Appearing: Captain Alexander Walsh, Fly, Karl Malus, Rupert Dockery, Scotty McDowell, Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew) Commentsinteresting to me that even way back when, people knew "rupert" was evil... Posted by: kveto from prague | November 24, 2011 3:08 PM Damn good issue, solid exciting story, lovely art from Leihoia and Mooney. Creepy villains and good pacing. Posted by: Sparky Ryan | November 11, 2015 11:55 AM Comments are now closed. |
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