Issue(s): Thor #251
Cover Date: Sep 76
Title: "Hela and back"
Len Wein - Writer
John Buscema - Penciler
Tony DeZuniga - Inker
We found out in the last arc that Odin was replaced with Mangog, so this issue Thor and company start looking for the real Odin. The Vizier can't find him in any of the "spheres and planets known to those of immortal Asgard", so Thor speculates that Odin may be dead, and the Vizier confirms he can't look in Valhalla. So Thor heads there and meets Hela's lackey Harokin, who assumes Thor is dead and invites him to join in the warrior games.
After some fighting Hela shows up and tells Thor that Odin isn't actually with her.
Thor thought he saw Odin in the distance, but it turns out to just be some other old guy. The clearly not big enough hat should have been a dead giveaway.
Quality Rating: C+
Historical Significance Rating: 1
Chronological Placement Considerations: The MCP places Thor's appearances from issue #240-255 between his appearances in Avengers #151 & #159.
- Sif donated her spirit to Jane Foster in Thor #236, but once she drew her sword in Asgard, she's replaced Jane.
- Harokin first appeared in Tales of Asgard from Thor #129-133 (which i don't have due to my Marvel Spectacular reprints, and since they take place prior to Marvel Comics #1 they're really out of bounds for my project anyway).
- Harokin tried to get Thor to lead the forces of Valhalla in Thor #154.
Crossover: N/A
Continuity Insert? N
My Reprint: N/A