Thunderstrike #7Issue(s): Thunderstrike #7 Review/plot: SHIELD also doesn't like that Pandara is being held by the police, so they send Alex DePaul and an Agent Simon to take custody of her. However, Simon is really an agent of Tantalus, and he gives Pandara her box, allowing her to escape (she kills Simon in the process). Pandara's escape results in a lot of newly summoned demons. This attracts Thunderstrike's attention and he winds up fighting a big one. Thunderstrike defeats the demon and re-captures Pandara, but only after the Code Blue member Andrew 'Jock' Jackson is killed. Thunderstrike gets home to learn that Bobby Steele has kidnapped his son Kevin. Quality Rating: C- Chronological Placement Considerations: As noted last entry, i've allowed some space between the last arc and the start of this issue with the idea that everyone was called back to the police station for an interview regarding the events of that story (the idea is bolstered by the fact that Peter took MJ home during issue #6 but they are both back at the station here). The MCP have Thunderstrike appearing in Iron Man #301-305 during this issue, before the final page where he learns about Kevin's kidnapping. Based on the space i've allowed, it could also take place between last issue and this one (i've placed this directly after the Iron Man entry in any event). It seems like a little time passes between the end of #7 and the beginning of #8. Despite the cliffhanger of Thunderstrike learning that Kevin has been kidnapped, issue #8 opens with Marcus Stone and Shelly Conklin watching a demonstration of "Officer Zero" and the other members of Code Blue engaged in some training, with Mad Dog being said to be acting more intensely "ever since Jackson's funeral". So it seems like it took Marcy and Eric time to track down Bobby. References: N/A Crossover: N/A Continuity Insert? N My Reprint: N/A Inbound References (1): showCharacters Appearing: Alex DePaul, Andrew 'Jock' Jackson, Bobby Steele, Dum Dum Dugan LMD, Fireworks Fielstein, Kevin Masterson, Khult, Mad Dog Rassitano, Marcus Stone, Marcy Masterson Steele, Mary Jane Watson, Mother Majowski, Nick Fury, Pandara, Rigger Ruiz, Samantha Joyce, Spider-Man, Stellaris, Susan Austin, Tantalus, Thunderstrike Comments are now closed. |
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