« Movies: July 2010 | Main | Movies: September 2010 » MoviesWho Says No to a Part in The Expendables? Van Damme clearly makes bad choices. Super big DER. I mean, Van Damme's rejection led to Dolph Lundgren being asked (wtf, Stallone? Lundgren totally should have been part of the lineup with or without Van Damme), so yay, but why the hell wouldn't he want to be a part of what is clearly a totally awesome idea? 50+ yr old action hero has beens all in the same movie together shooting things and blowing other things up? That's pure movie genius. According to wikipedia, this is what Van Damme will be spending his time prepping for instead of being part of Hollywood magic: Oy. By min | August 6, 2010, 3:41 PM | Movies | Link |