« Movies: October 2013 | Main | Movies: January 2014 » MoviesAirplane deregulation led to crappier planes Every time we watch an older movie featuring airplanes (this time it was Die Hard 2) Min wonders why the planes look so spacious. So here's a recent post by Yglesias on that. It's not his first on the subject and this post takes it for granted that his theory is correct and moves on to talk about why that in turn means that airports have gotten "nicer" (in my opinion, more like shopping malls, but i don't know if that really translates to nicer), but he does lay out the basic idea. By fnord12 | November 17, 2013, 10:49 AM | Liberal Outrage
& Movies | Comments (1)| Link Heh. By min | November 2, 2013, 1:29 PM | Movies | Link |