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My Dreams

I have dreams too, you know.

Me: Do you have enough power in you to do one last thing? Can you unlock the gate to the city?
Dying Fairy Princess: I cannot. You know i have sworn to never do anything that would directly harm my people.
Me: If you don't do this, we won't be able to defeat the Shadow King, and all your people will die.
Dying Fairy Princess: I... will try.
Me: Alright, you people. We're all out of weapons but we've got to storm the city. Here's the deal. Each of the fighters, get one of the carnivorous apes on a chain. Hawkeye, stand in front of them and taunt them. As soon as we get that door open, Hawkeye, you go charging through the city, and the fighters will let the apes loose to chase you. That ought to cause enough of a distraction. You fighters then sneak up behind any guards and hit them and take their weapons. The rest of you get off to the side. There's a guardhouse on the other side of the door, to the left. After the apes are loose and any leftover guards are taken out by our fighters, we run to the guardhouse and re-stock on weapons. I see that some of you aren't listening to me; you're just sort of milling about talking to each other. That's fine, but we're sticking to the plan and no one is going to be around to protect you if you're off doing your own thing. Alright, people, let's do this!

I am awesome in my dreams. Just like in real life.

By fnord12 | October 15, 2007, 10:00 AM | My Dreams | Comments (4)| Link

They Say You Can Die In Your Sleep

This one wasn't weird or anything (i mean, compared to the sorts of dreams i've had but it scared the bejeezus out of me.....actually, that happens alot, too.....

Oh well. Still, i will subject you to it.

It's pouring rain. I'm sort of not sure where i'm going. I'm on the highway and get off at the wrong exit. So i'm trying to figure out how to get back to the right exit. My visibility's poor due to the rain so i'm partially scared of hitting an oncoming car. Next thing i know, i'm driving up a hill that inclines sharply. By the time i get nearly to the top of the hill, the truck is almost past vertical. So, here i am, in my dream, afraid of one of two things happening: 1) gravity takes over and the car falls off the road or 2) gravity takes over and i start rolling back down the hill.

Number 2 is actually what happens. As i have the heart-stopping realization that even if i hit the breaks, i won't be able to slow the truck's acceleration, and i will crash into every other car that had been coming up the hill behind me, killing them and possibly me, i wake up. And it was not easy falling back asleep, let me tell you.

No wonder i grind my teeth in my sleep. My brain obviously prefers me to stay in a constant state of tension at all times. Like squirrels.

By min | October 8, 2007, 2:34 PM | My Dreams | Comments (1)| Link

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