« My Dreams: October 2011 | Main | My Dreams: April 2012 » My DreamsProvost? What the Hell Does That Mean? Two things. One, I kept dreaming of the word 'provost'. I don't even really know what the word means. I looked it up. It involves being in charge of deans and shit. Two, one very tiny portion of the other batshit crazy things i dreamt about last night was this - the doorbell rang and i answered it. There were 3 chinese people (1 girl, 2 guys). The guy was holding a pair of men's leather gloves which he offered to me as he asked me if i would take God into my heart. Wha-huh??? Upon waking up, my first thought was "They're not vegan." By min | March 2, 2012, 3:59 PM | My Dreams | Link |