« My Dreams: March 2012 | Main | My Dreams: November 2012 » My DreamsDire Wolf, Knights, and Gatchaman Costumes We were sitting on a school bus waiting for someone to come back. Some of the seats had been removed to accomodate a round table. Looking out the window towards the front of the bus, I saw a large, red fox (mostly its tail end) looking into a doorway directly in front of the bus. Suddenly, it turned and ran past. A ginormous wolf came out of the doorway, catching the fox easily, killing it. As it carried its prey, it stopped by my window. It was so large, it could easily peer into the bus windows. It brought its snout right up to the glass and glared at me with glowing, yellow eyes, snarling, before continuing on. Scaling the wall outside of the apartment building, I pulled out my marker, writing each person's grade on their window. Finished, I slid down the many stories to the ground. An alarm sounded. We needed to get to the shelter before the bombing started! Chaos, people pouring out of buildings, running around. Everyone's Asian. Must have fallen into an Asian 70s film. I spotted friends. In a room, we sit speaking of nothing. Everyone is speaking in a different Chinese dialect, but we all understand each other. Now we're in the mall after closing. The cleaning lady screams and runs. Men dressed like knights with light blue and silver surcoats round the corner. It's Agents Provocateurs! One fires a rocket launcher. She doesn't dodge in time. Oof! It hits her right in the stomach, throwing her back into a wall. (For those of you who aren't lucky enough to see what I'm seeing, she's wearing a pink and white outfit. Skirt. Tall boots. Short cape. Helmet. Think Gatchman crossed with Power Rangers. It's what they're all wearing except this one chick...) ...Who gets sucked out of the hole in the wall made by the rocket. She manages to slow her descent by sliding on her boots down the column, but she can't save herself. Don't worry, one of the pink chicks is roller skating down the column to reach her. That is, until one of the Agents comes up behind her and takes a shot. It hits her shoulder, the armored piece falling off in a small explosion. By min | April 18, 2012, 11:07 AM | My Dreams | Link |