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« My Dreams: August 2013 | Main | My Dreams: November 2013 »

My Dreams

From: David Barlow/Reply All: Is Adam allergic to his email now?

I checked the email notification on my phone. Turning to fnord12, i said, "You emailed the wrong address."

Fnord12 shrugs. "I dunno. I just used whatever was saved on that," gesturing at the soap dispenser.

I start going through the rest of the "To" line. "God, I forgot we even had addresses saved on that. I don't even think Adam has this address anymore."

To: Monkeys [something@something], Other Monkeys [yeah@realfriends], Adam [flower_cannon]

By min | September 1, 2013, 9:14 AM | My Dreams | Link

« My Dreams: August 2013 | Main | My Dreams: November 2013 »